Tempo di lettura stimato:
11h 38m

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L'ammutinamento dell'Elsinore (0)

Jack London


Narrativa classica: generale e letteraria

Editore: Mattioli 1885

Anno: 2011

Lingua: Italiano

Rilegatura: Brossura

Pagine: 349 Pagine

Isbn 10: 8862612303

Isbn 13: 9788862612302

Life has lost its savor for Mr. Pathurst. New York, fame, women, and the arts have all become tedious. Searching for excitement, he books passage on a cargo vessel sailing from Baltimore to Seattle on a route that travels around the treacherous Cape Horn. Pathurst encounters more than he ever expected in rough seas, turbulent storms, and a mutinous crew. His epic struggles aboard the sailing ship Elsinore have given him a new love for life, but will he survive to profit from it?

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